IoT Assistant

Open source application designed for quick and easy management of programmable IoT devices

Managing GPS's

Installing a MQTT GPS

To install a MQTT GPS go to Install > Install GPS in the left navigation bar to open the setup wizard.

1 - Enter a name and description the new GPS and click Next

2 - Select an interface. For an MQTT GPS, choose MQTT and click Next

3 - In the next step, confirm the settings provided. Optionally, set a watchdog interval to receive notifications if the GPS fails to communicate its position within a specified time.

5 - Finally click on Finish to proceed. If everything is set up correctly, you'll be redirected to the GPS's page where installed GPS's are displayed.

On this page, GPS's positions are displayed as Unknown if no position has been published yet. Otherwise, the last published position in a map and its date are displayed. From here, you can also disable the watchdog or delete the GPS.


The GPS sensor should publish values to the same broker that IoT Assistant is connected to (see this guide for broker configuration).


GPS position should be published to gps/{gps name} with {gps name} matching the name given during installation. For example, a GPS named "Coche Miguel" would use the topic:

gps/Coche Miguel


The message published by the GPS should be a JSON string looking like this:

{"longitude" : "40.753", "latitude": "-73.983"}

Arduino code


Installing The Things Network GPS

To install a GPS connected to The Things Network, follow the same steps as for MQTT, but select The Things Network as the interface instead of MQTT and click Next.

Then, provide the End Device ID, which is the ID used when the GPS was set up on The Things Network platform.

The Things network GPS


A Things Network GPS should publish a binary payload in this format for IoT Assistant to understand::


Latitude and longitude must be IEEE-754 float values (4 Bytes).

A valid payload look like this:

						11000010100100111111011101001100 : -73.983 (latitude)
						01000010001000110000001100010010 : 40.753 (longitude)

The binary value size above is 8 Bytes. Its hex representation is C293F74C42230312

Arduino code
